Is no one else frightened by the sheer and overwhelming volume of images people are re-posting (aka 'share') on Facebook.
There seems to be nothing but hatred and venom oozing from almost every picture being put up. Now I am not talking about people's personal snaps of their not-always-very-pretty kids in leotards, or the always-very-cute pics of newborn grandkids, or the I-can't-believe-I-actually-cooked-this pics of food (of which I am very guilty), or even the too-cute-for-their-own-good pics of animals doing strange humanlike things.
Or this...
I am talking about the ones that advocate shooting people or hurting them or belittling them. I am talking about pics that tell me to fuck off for no other reason that I am allegedly not a good enough friend. Problem is they never tell us what we are supposed to do to qualify for the group of friends who don't have to fuck off.
It is upsetting - do they mean ME?
This one was posted by someone I have not met but who is a colleague of my husband's. She sounds so nice. Always cooking and sending love messages to her friends and family. She seems to work hard and is always doing stuff - Cleaning, washing, cooking, looking after her hubby who was seriously ill for a while. Just the sort of woman I search in vain for to befriend. But then she posts things like this and I gotta wonder. Just what the hell am I supposed to do to fit in?
The day before she posted this........
So she loves dogs but hates people???
Now either she is schizo or I am.
Another friend - and I do know this guy - seems so mild mannered and then he posts this.... no points for guessing he is an American. But then so is my hubby.. Ok now I'm scared. LOL.
I mean ... this is a prayer for fuck's sake!!!!!
How about this one from a friend who never swears. Truly she never does and then this appears. Is the whole world fake????
Is there anyone out there who is genuine and says what they think out loud instead of only posting it on Facebook. I gotta tell you I am starting to wonder. How am I to judge a friendship if on the face of it people act all warm and fuzzy with their kiddies and their pets and their home cooked meals and then advocate for the gun lobby or post abusive/offensive placards. Someone please explain it to me. I really wish people would tell me to my face! I mean of her 357 friends which ones are the assholes? And if none of them are then why feel the need to post this. Ergo some of them are. And if I am one of them then why not tell me to my face. I have just put myself into a logic loop - anyone know what that's called?
I am skeered peeeples!!!!!!!
Now I may have mentioned before that I am not religious, or even spiritual, but what I am is intelligent. I am so intelligent that I know enough to know that I don't know if there is a God out there or no. Notice I capitalised the word God? I do it out of respect for those who do believe, since I want them to respect me. Anyway, my point is that if there is a God out there then s/he is sure gonna be one pissed off deity when s/he notices what we are doing down here on planet earth. God ain't gonna like it that we kill each other, rape each other, shoot each other and subject each other to the endless torture of opinions - just like this one right here.
God isn't gonna like that we claim to be believers on Sundays, Easters, Wedding days, Christmases, fasting days, prayer days (or hours in some cases) etc etc etc and then only remember the violent parts of the 'holy' words.
I am thinking that when I get to 'heaven' (insert appropriate paradisical location) I am gonna be one of the few people who can look God in the eye. And I haven't even lived a flawless life. What I have lived is an honest life in all its ugliness and sometimes all its beauty. With my luck however, I will get to heaven and there really will be 72 virgins waiting - all women. I'll be teaching them how to knit.......some men. That is if I can get them off Facebook long enough.
The moral of this story is.....
Cited by the Writer's Studio on, guess where, Facebook! |
... so please don't shoot me or unfriend me just because I don't fit in. Thus have I spoken!
p.s. I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv facebook!!! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!