

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Golden rules of pregnancy and childbirth..

Was having a chat over coffee with a girlfriend reminiscing over the kids and, more to the point, about the process of having them.

Every time I have narrated the births of my kids everyone gets a few belly laughs out of it.  Oh don't worry I'm not gonna do it here.  But as they laugh I always wonder what part of the process was so amusing to them because NONE of it was fun for me till the next day.  Ok sure I went back for seconds...but that was not my fault....that was genetic imperatives steering me to the cliff edge.  And before anyone thinks it, I know I have 2 beautiful kids and would never change a thing.  I just wished someone would have told me the rules.

The 'mask of pregnancy' makes you look like a 12 year old frecklehead.

Braxton Hickses 5 minutes apart are ACTUALLY labour.

That puddle of water on the floor underneath you doesn't mean your bladder leaked....there was some kinda bag the baby was in... like those bags you roast a chicken in. They both break apparently.

Those breathing exercises don't work when you have hubby on one side and a friend on the other talking over your head about cars while a human melon tries to split you in two. Swearing, however, does help a little.

The nurse telling you to NOT push doesn't only happen in the movies. It also doesn't work.

Babies only weigh about 2-3 kilos so that other 30 really is all YOU!

The direction the chicken head falls onto the goats entrails at the azimuth of the something-or-other DOES NOT indicate the sex of your baby.  Next time use a human sacrifice for accuracy.

The placenta is the other baby-sized thing they didn't tell you would have to come out as well. 

Post partum time is the second time in your life people will be acutely interested in your bowel movements. 

Once you have had a baby in a room full of people, all looking at your nethers, you will never be shy again.

My not-so-young-any-more babies --->


  1. Totally gorgeous those two, and hey, it is a funny post. Have a lovely weekend Marlia

  2. Beautiful, sad, happy, funny... I look forward to the journey with you. Hugs. tammy

    1. Welcome Tammy and thank you. I will visit you back in a few days after our Greek Easter is over this weekend. Cheers.


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