

Monday, January 9, 2012

I wish I were a tree......

Oh, I wish I were a tree,
majestic, soaring free;
my tips to touch the sky,
scolding birds that pass me by.

I wish my roots were deep
to anchor me in sleep
when monsters scream my name
and memories inflame.

I wish my leaves would fall
and shed bad memories all;
so I could bloom anew
in Spring's fresh morning dew.

Yes I wish I were a tree
so you could look at me
and know just what it takes
to overcome mistakes.

My bark's a history
of storms that battered me,
yet holds me up in place
to join the human race.

Oh I wish I were a tree
so none could bother  me,
but even for a tree
the chainsaw waits with glee....
Marlia Boyce January 9, 2012


  1. Great poem, but I for one, am glad you are not a tree. I would miss you. :D)

  2. I'm with KAT, glad you're not a tree. Good stuff, my friend...........

  3. Did you write that? If so, fantastic. If not, thanks for sharing.
    If I were a tree, I'd make an Ash out of myself, I suppose.

  4. Kat- you are so sweet. I really wish you Kim and I could spend a week together.
    Kimmy - you are my dear friend.
    Al - yes I did... and ... a claret ash? LOL

  5. I could do time as a ponderosa pine. Love the vanilla scent of the bark. Lovely poem Marlia

    1. Vanilla really? That would make it MY favourite too. Thanks for the good feedback Kelly.


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