

Friday, December 30, 2011

Why haven't I posted anything?

....Because I was upset.  Really upset by something I read in another blogger's pre-christmas blog.

What it was and why it upset me will be the subject of my next post.  I don't know when that will be since I am still upset, fuming in fact.

After I read it I dropped an innocuous comment into the blog and came straight back here and thumped out a retort. A long one.  Then I saved it and went to the kitchen where I baked 5 shortbreads, one chocolate layer cake and made rum balls.  Then I wrapped the presents, vacuumed the house and went to bed even madder than when I started.
The next day I got up still mad.
I re-read the tirade I had spewed out into type and decided I need time to cool off. I went back and re-read the blog and, more importantly, the comment that blew the lid off.  I got madder.

It is 2 weeks now and I am still mad.

If you are bored by now I am sorry.  If you are intrigued I am sorry.

I have told no one about this and when I finally do reveal it some of you will say "is that all!".

But I am upset because I am a good and decent human being.  I am upset because I am sick of certain holier-than-thou people who parade their ignorance like a badge of honour.

So....I will wait till after the new year celebrations because I want to try and enjoy them.

I will also be making a New Year's resolution which may cause me to never blog again.  I have really lost my enthusiasm for it due to bigots.

Enough for now.  I am making myself mad again.

Happy Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Let's try some rational (yes I mean't r-a-t-i-o-n-a-l) tolerance in 2012.

Yours Sincerely



  1. Oh, I hope it wasn't me!
    I haven't blogged because I've been taking it easy this week. Sure, I'll comment, but, as you know, writing a post takes a little more time than commenting. You have to worry about punctuation, spelling, and grammar in a regular post. Whereas! wIth comeNting, ewe dont knead 2 wurry az much.
    Still, I hope it wasn't me!

  2. Actually Al it WAS your blog - you started it innocuously and one of your followers drove the spike home.

    I don't blame you - I guess it is how you guys are raised to think. But I wish in the 21st century people would start thinking for themselves and thinking from deep within their humanity.

    I wish in 2012 people who profess to be christian would actually practice the tenets of their belief system and not just pay them lip service.

    I'll explain in the blog.

    I still love your blog and will follow. I hope you can do the same for me but I hope you may see some things a little differently.

    Talk soon.

  3. ...actually Al - I am hoping we can have a debate about this - I would love that.

  4. I'm sorry I upset you (I really am). I look forward to seeing what you have to say. I think I know which one you're talking about so I'll go check out what one of the commenters was. I really have an open mind and consider what I write before I send it to avoid (or reduce) any hurt feelings.
    Nothing anyone says in a dopey blog should bother you. I hope we're all friends.

  5. Okay....I THINK I know which comment to which you refer. If it's the one, I most assuredly do not ascribe to that philosophy (so the debate may be stillborn). MY philosophy is live and let live. I do not care who you are-we're all human beings. But, I'll wait to see what you have to say.
    In any event, I do apologize for offending you!


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