

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cleaning the kitchen like a man....

  1. putting the bread and jam away but not the butter.
  2. washing the roasting pan and putting it ON TOP of all the DRY tupperware already in the draining board.
  3. taking out the trash  but leaving behind the recycling and the compost.
  4. wiping down the cooktop but leaving the dirty spoon rest on the side.
  5. stacking all dirty items in the dishwasher EXCEPT for the giant coffee cup right in front of you (and the aforementioned spoon rest)
  6. wiping down the bench but leaving all the scraps and soap scum in the sink
  7. leaving a clean saucepan on the stove top - for later I guess.
  8. brushing the toast crumbs from under the toaster onto the floor (WHICH I VACUUMMED AND MOPPED YESTERDAY!!!!!)  (how the hell do you spell vaccummed, vaccuummed, vacuummed, ah hell with it)
  9. soaking the floor while washng the roasting pan which is too big to go in the dishwasher and then using the dish towel to mop up only half of it.
  10. putting the now filthy and soaking dish towel back on the hook - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!!
  11. proudly announcing that you have 'cleaned' the kitchen for 'me'!!!
  12. sitting down to watch a bunch of pansies in head to toe padding and helmets play "football" while your wife cleans the kitchen up FOR REAL!!

I wish I were a ladybug - seems a serene sort of life....

Oh, now we've switched to Ice Hockey - now THAT'S a real game !!!! Pffffrrrrrrt!  Don't mind me I'll just be hanging out the washing...... By the way what's for dinner?  Answer: take away!  Bingo!


  1. You know what I make for dinner?
    By the way, you inspired my latest post-I give you full credit for it.
    NOTE: This is NOT a thinly-veiled attempt to get you to visit Penwasser Place.
    Well, not much, anyway.

    1. No bait necessary to visit Penwasser Place. Read your latest. My you are the king of the complisult (that's a compliment morphed with an insult - MY word).

      So you think my blog name is boring eh? En garde mon frere!

      Love your post, love your blog. Thanks for reading mine!! ;) Try to stay awake dude.

  2. Um, are we married to the same man? I can tell by the dish towel action alone. The hub thinks it's a giant, re-usable dish and FLOOR wipe.
    Kill me now.
    Funny stuff, mi lady. ;)

    1. Dawn I think it is a recessive male gene.....although I confess I have known men who cleaned better than me by yards, but somehow they weren't the marrying types. Hehehe!

  3. Replies
    1. Do you call your husband 'idiot', too?
      If so, sweet.

    2. No, I call him 'hun' but there is an inflection in the tone of the voice that signals either 'come hither' or 'run for your life you low-life, scum-sucking man you! I could have married a millionaire!"

      I'm sure you've heard that tone from Mrs.P.

      Too funny

  4. Yep, men are dense. I just painted the kitchen days after Rob made spaghetti with a gallon of pizza sauce. Yep, uhuh, turns out tomato sauce will mar a stainless steel dishwasher and I found rivers of sauce dribbled down the sides of the stove when I pulled it out to paint behind. Good thing he's gone for a week. Tell Hun if he does it again, you'll steal his credit card and redo the kitchen. :)


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