

Monday, October 17, 2011

Rage, rage...everywhere!

I just need to say that I am sickened by the amount of rage violence in our world.

I try to read the papers each day - but it is not just the wars and the politics that sicken me.

It is the pure evil violence that people are perpetrating on each other on the pretext of rage, or revenge or just simple greed.

In the past 5 minutes I read about a wife cutting off her husband's penis because he was having an affair. Why not just leave his sorry arse I wanna know?

I also read about a man who shot 5 members of his family "in a fit of rage" !!!! Just because he had a fight with his wife !!!! Oh My GOD!!! So he kills his wife, 3 of their 4 daughters and their maid.  So the last and youngest daughter now has to live with this horror.

Then I read about intellectually disabled people imprisoned in a dungeon in horrific conditions just for their welfare checks!!!

Another woman stabbed a teenage girl in the eye with a stilleto heel because she was jealous of her!!

What the hell ever happened to talking out a problem?

What happened to working for a living?

What happened to our self-respect as human being to not demean ourselves?

Since when did the use of violence become the only solution to our problems?

Why bother protesting about a war when there is more sinister stuff happening at home?

In what universe did it become acceptable to behave this way?

We worry about the rape of our planet, sustainability, resources.  We worry about the fate of future generations and the ozone layer.  But when I read stuff like this I realise we are in danger, serious danger, because so many of us are still just base and violent creatures who care only for themselves.

Instead of putting these people in jail I wish we could pack them off to the moon and let them fend for themselves instead of polluting my beautiful earth.

I need to step out into the garden and smell the gardenia to regain my equilibrium.... sorry folks I just can't stand it!


  1. I know how you feel. My hubby just posted about bullying over at his blog, man speak good. It is so sad that we haven't moved past the dark ages with the amount of violence in our world.

  2. When I have an overdose of mean people, I pop Mama Mia in the dvd player and head for the ice cream.
    Thank goodness for those who will stand and defend.
    Take care Marlia.

  3. I love Mama Mia - but then I love Meryl. You are right Diva it is a good shot in the arm, must try that next I get overloaded.

    Bullying is my other pet hate Vanyelmoon. Will check our hubby's blog.


  4. I couldn't agree more! I really worry about the kind of world my grandchildren are going to grow up in. So much senseless violence. I just don't understand.


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