

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Where did the time go?

I still remember the troubled pregnancy.  The late term termination the doctor's recommended for the sake of my health.  I remember the birth in graphic detail.  I remember almost losing him when his bilirubin count went off the chart and we rushed him to another hospital for an emergency total blood transfusion at just 3 days old.

I remember every detail vividly and now he graduates from high school, a licensed driver and about to go into final exams for a place at university.

This boy, who was 6 weeks prem ......

With his big sister
Aged 2
Age 3

Age 4

age 5 and with his first fish

Prep to first year of high school (what's with the hair kid?)
.....and was supposed to have hearing and learning difficulties but who has none such, is now a man.  Perfect in every way to his mother - except his hate of being photographed!

My blonde, blue-eyed little miracle.....

I sat through the entire graduation dinner trying NOT to cry.

Where DID the time go???????


  1. Congratulations to you son! You are definitely a proud momma. It is amazing how so many doctors can be so wrong. Wonderful!

  2. Thanks Tammy, I have two amazing kids. Both of them, technically, should never have survived their birth. They wouldn't have 50 years ago. I would have died in childbirth with my daughter.

    We live in amazing times. Not sure a lot of people appreciate that....



  3. Such a handsome young man. Doctors don't always know what they are talking about. Glad things went so well. Congratulations on his graduation.

  4. Thanks Kat. It's been a long time coming.

    take care



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