

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All creatures great and small......

Some days I am really put in my place.  Just when I start to feel superior, successful and important in my little world, I take a stroll in the garden and discover to my horror that there are billions and billions of other life forms on this planet that don't even know I exist and don't care.... unless I step on them, and even then...

 As I took this picture of the tiny little spider actually looked up at me and then carried on its business.  What was it thinking?  I wish I could know.  Probably chuckling to itself about the michelin lady overhead.

As for this bee - it just meandered around the magnolia flower as if I wasn't there.  Meanwhile I fiddled with the zoom and even walked around the tree to get the shot of it in mid flight.  What was the bee thinking?  "Gotta get the honey, gotta get the honey....gotta get the honey...michelin woman...gotta get the honey....gotta get the honey!


  1. Cute post Marlia. At our house, we get a little thrill from all the backyard critters.

  2. I'm probably being all metaphysical (that CAN'T possibly be the right word) but, whenever I see one of these creatures, I squash the childish urge to squash them. Let one of the billions of creatures with whom we share the Earth pass.

  3. Well Al the 8-legged variety rarely get past me inside the house, but I can be magnanimous outdoors. Sometimes. Especially today when a giant green wasp buzzed me as I approached the giant staghorn attached to the giant walnut tree in my yard. I was apparently protecting its dinner - a giant huntsman. Hence I felt even more inconsequential today than I did yesterday.

    Kelly I just love the euphemism of critters you guys use Stateside. Here we call then giant poisonous insects. Espoecially since even the little ones are poisonous. At least they are in my little girl nightmares - and there they shall remain.

    Cheers guys thanks for reading.


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