

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm so tired I'm watching cricket.....

because the remote is too far away.  And by that  I mean I would have to actually stand up to get it.

I'm so tired that scratching my ass involves a hike to the kitchen to get a wooden spoon so I can reach around - reach being the operative word- even though....

I'm so tired I can't be bothered scratching my ass.

I'm so tired that I buzzed a staff member on the intercom to go and check my pigeonhole for the number of the last invoice I paid coz....

I'm so tired I forgot what it was.

I'm so tired that a walk around my garden involves stepping out onto the veranda and turning my head left and then right.

I'm so tired that today I didn't use the 'f' word even once - I just couldn't be bothered working up enough 'care' factor to say it because.....

I'm so tired.

But there is one good thing about being so tired - you sure do see things differently.  It is a whole thing about asking one's self  "does this really need to be done"?

And the answer is "No, self, it does not really need to be done". 

Now I live with pain as part of my existence these days and I can still push through it.  But yesterday I was floored by a bout of vertigo - not my first and for sure not my last- and I gotta tell you that when you are sitting at the steering wheel of a 6-cylinder company car YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET VERTIGO!

Yet I did.  The only saving grace was that I was just back from a meeting and trying to reverse the car into the carpark.  I so wish someone had taken a picture of it.  Little Miss Perfect left it at a 45 degree angle across two bays and a ramp.  I left it with the door open and my head hanging out as I barfed up every meal I ever ate in my whole life while the world reversed both its axes and laughed at me.  Fortunately for them - the 3 staff who were standing a few feet away enjoying a 'death stick' on company time - didn't laugh.  They just ran.

Why did I get vertigo?  Stress, weariness, stress, tiredness, stress and creeping infirmity.  Why did I get vertigo?  Because I just don't know when to quit.

I have been back at work for 5 weeks.  I have worked about 50 hours each week.  I am dried up and empty already.  I miss being home, I miss blogging, I miss not dealing with other people's personal baggage - I have enough of my own.  I miss my garden, I miss my friends.  I miss my kitchen and my chair and my laptop and my morning coffee.  I miss finishing the puzzles in the paper each morning.  I miss not having 6 meetings in a day.  I miss the quiet.

So if anyone was wondering - or had even noticed - why I am not blogging so much these days, read the whole blog not just the punch line at the end.

I just have to pull my shit together.  Especially since I just noticed that I have 2 more followers all of a sudden.  Thank you to them for for joining and thank you to the rest of you for keeping the 'view' meter ticking over even when I am not blogging anything interesting.

I am going to reorganise my head and my life.  Work sucks and so I have decided I don't want it anymore. 

Ok so I will by 10 Tatts tickets this weekend and cross fingers and toes......

In the meantime I am going to ...awww crap... I'm to tired!


  1. I feel for you, vertigo sucks. It happened to me once when I was driving...luckily I was able to pull over until it passed.

    1. Thanks JBJ - welcome and thank you for following. Gald you were able to pull over it is a scaring and dangerous thing to happen to a person.

  2. Yes, I have noticed and I've missed you terribly but figured you were having a hard time adjusting to being back at work. As a fellow chronic pain sufferer, I understand completely about being tired and in pain. I don't know how you work at such a high stress job. I couldn't do it. Here's hoping you can find some relief soon. ♥

    1. Thank you sweetie. I have been reading your blog faithfully but havent been commenting... believe it or not sometimes I just couldn't string a sentence together. But I will change all that from now on. It's time to simplify the white noise in life and focus on the things that make me feel good - like all the lovely blogger friends I have found.

  3. Yes, I have noticed and I've missed you. As a fellow chronic pain sufferer I understand completely about being tired and in pain. I don't know how you keep up with such a high stress job. I couldn't do it. Here's hoping you can find some relief soon. ♥

  4. So you're tired?


    I'm so tired I'm thinking about tomorrow's nap...


    1. Great comeback Pearl - thanks for joining in. I'm still chuckling here.

  5. Plus, the crickets make so much frikkin' noise they drive me crazy!!!!
    Oh. Wait. That's not the type of cricket you were talking about, was it?
    Never mind.

  6. Maybe it was - sometimes noise is just noise Eh?


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