

Friday, March 9, 2012

no news is.......

no news!

A whole day on the road. Surgeons, CT scans, bloods and other unmentionables and we know nothing yet.

AND - to top it all off it is a long weekend in Melbourne so no results till Thursday.

AND - the surgeon cost us $170 just for 10 minutes of his time.  Though I confess we liked him until he said...'I don't want to get ahead of myself" and slapped 2 brochures on the desk called "Kidney Cancer" and "Treating Kidney Cancer".  I mean geez louise...couldn't ya save that for next week.  The second brochure comes with a DVD no less.  Prime time family viewing???  I want to do a piece on this prochure - it is really a prize - but not tonight.  Maybe tomorrow.

What impressed me the most about this guy? - apart from the obvious ( he's gonna maybe have to save my hubby's life) was his:
  • hand made suit
  • soft white hands
  • immaculate office
  • punctuality ( big brownie points for that - I mean he got there before they even finished processing Jeff.)
  • Awards and Diplomas covering an entire wall
  • alphabetised pathology pads ( I mean really and truly I kid you not)
But that was nothing compared to his assistant.  She was:
  • Middle aged
  • coiffed to within an inch of every hair's life
  • made up like a pro - and I mean a professional not a you-know-what. NO Al Penwasser not even a professional you -know-what...LOL
  • Crisply ironed shirt and pressed seams on her jacket.
  • perfect nails - not stick ons
  • and elocution that would put the Queen of England to shame.
and.......this is how she greeted him....

"Good morning Mr Harewood"  Mister...did you notice? That makes him an Associate Professer type Doctor - ooooooh are we impressed?  I was!  "how was your trip in sir?" she asks.  "Can I offer you a cup of tea?"  I ALMOST said yes thank you..... but somehow her puckered lips didn't invite levity at that moment when she was greeting her lord and master.
Truly, honestly, really that's what she said when he came in.  I had to do a double take and snuck a look up to the corner of the room for a candid camera. I mean what century are we in where an assistant actually ACTS like an assistant?

I wish MY assitant - the fictitious one I make up for myself when I need an ego boost - greeted me with a "good morning Mrs B would you like a cup of tea?"  And if she did I would know absolutely and categorically that I was dreaming!.

So, no news, is just that.  If I wasn't so darned tired I would actually fret a little.  But I am well past that just now.

See you in a few days I guess.....


  1. Whoah! When did all this happen? Sorry I missed this news, but I am very concerned and worried and prayin' for you guys. Sounds like, despite his bedside manner, a good doctor.

    1. Dawn - it all just happended in 2 days. Tuesday he went to the doctor to look at a swelling in the groin, wednesday he went for an ultra sound scan of it. Right then and there they also scanned the abdomen and saw the lump on the kidney. Next morning, yesterday, we were in the surgeon's office being booked for a million additional tests. Got them all done and now we wait.

      Thank you for your concern. And you are right the the good doctor/mister surgeon has a famous reputation and will be using the latest technology. So we are content on that score. But as KAT says - its the waiting...

  2. Marlia, if you haven't already seen my comment on yesterday's post, know that I am here for you. I have been through this and I know how horrible it is. I am keeping you both in my prayers and hope that you won't have to wait long for a definite diagnosis. The waiting game is the worst. It was 3 months from the time my husband started tests and when they finally did his surgery. I know every emotion you are feeling and how awful it is. Here is a hug to help you cope. (❤) Love and prayers!

    1. Yes hun, thank you I saw it and appreciate it very much. The only good thing to come out of yesterday is that it turns out his prostate is perfect. We take the good where we can get it.

      I am going to blog this even if it all turns out well.

  3. Holding happy thoughts for both of you and a prayer for hubby.


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